The EURALO Individuals’ Association General Assembly opened Tuesday 28 June in Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, at 11:00 local time (08:00 UTC).
The Secretary took notice that the following members were present: Jean-Jacques Subrenat (Chair), Wale Shakiru Bakare (vice-chair, connected remotely), Roberto Gaetano (Secretary).
Apologies were received from the following members: Stuart Clark, Stéphane van Gelder, Susannah Gray, Michele Neylon, Helen Palm, Carole Sunderland.
The following individuals attended as observers: Narine Khachatryan, Andrea Rusu, Olivier Crepin-Leblond (EURALO Chair), Satya (from Hyderabad, whose full name was unfortunately not captured).
The agenda was adopted.
The Chair welcomed all participants. In a brief introduction, he noted that our association is young but active: 17 Members and a couple of pending applications (see here)
The Secretary described the recent progress about membership and bylaws. By an online vote, our Members had approved the changes to the Bylaws related to the name of the association, the titles of the Chair and Vice-chair, the name of the Board (see here). He also explained the proposal from the Board to introduce another type of membership, tentatively called “Associate Membership”, to allow individuals who are neither nationals nor resident in the ICANN region of Europe. A discussion on this topic will be initiated on
the Members’ mailing list. In parallel, the opinion of EURALO on the subject will be requested. The process will end with a vote by Members, as required by our Bylaws when structural changes are made.
The Secretary also pointed out that we need to define procedures for termination of membership, in case the specified requirements are no longer met. This also will require a vote and a change in the Bylaws.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond reported on the work of the EURALO Task Force on possile changes to the EURALO Bylaws.
Andrea Rusu stated that the association needs to make itself known, notably via social media. On our website and in our meetings, common language should be used, for the benefit of those who are not yet familiar with ICANN processes. She asks how ordinary citizens and Internet users can become involved, and for what purpose? Videos should be used to enhance our communication.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond pointed out that ALAC has a social media working group. The Chair asked that an additional page, describing the association’s activities, be inserted in the EURALO flyer. The Chair of EURALO agreed.
The Vice-Chair stressed the need to get the proposal for Associate Membership off the ground. He suggested presenting to EURALO a proposal for Associate Members, without voting rights.
The meeting closed at 12:00 local time (09:00 UTC).