Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place as scheduled Wednesday 21 October 2015 at the Conference Centre Dublin, room Wicklow 5 (Wednesday 21 October 2015, 15:00 local time / 14:00 UTC).
The meeting was opened by the President, who reported the following activities since the creation of the association:
- the web site is now operational, thanks to the support of Michele Neylon and the Blacknight staff;
- the membership procedure is now in pleace, and to date 12 members have been accepted (5 women, 7 men);
- the candidatures for the new Steering Committee (SC) were presented, voting was carried out by show of hands for the members attending the AGM, via email for those participating remotely;
- all necessary actions have been taken to transition out of the interim phase, to be concluded when the new Steering Committee (SC) is seated at the end of the EURALO General Assembly, currently ongoing in Wicklow Hall 1.
The meeting continued with the presentation of the candidates and the subsequent voting procedure.
In the short discussion which followed, some short-term priorities were mentioned, including a strategy for outreach, the modus operandi of the SC, the change of title from President to Chair and the possible acceptance of members from outside what is known as “Europe” in ICANN parlance.
When voting was closed, 8 members had expressed their vote, with unanimous support for the following candidates:
- President Jean-Jacques Subrenat
- Vice-President Wale Shakir Bakare
- Secretary Roberto Gaetano
There was no accepted candidature for the position of Treasurer, whose role is therefore temporarily taken by the President.
The result of the vote was presented at the conclusion of the EURALO General Assembly at 18:30 local time (17:30 UTC).
Three more ballots were received after closure of voting, all supporting the elected candidates.
The interim phase is officially closed. Congratulations to the association, and thanks to the members who contributed to its initial success. It is now time to get our Association in operational mode. The SG will soon propose activities for the next 12-month period.