1. EURALO Individuals Association
Under the name “EURALO Individuals Association” a European not-for-profit association was created according to Swiss Civil Code, Art. 60 to 79. (Its seat and legal address are specified separately in the foundation protocol).
The EURALO Individuals Association was created in December 2012 to offer a home and legal structure for individuals participating regularly in activities of ICANN’s European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO). This Association allows individuals from all over Europe to work together and have a voting right in EURALO’s annual General Assembly (GA), as stipulated in EURALO’s amended Bylaws from May 2011 in Belgrade.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Association are:
a) To organize individuals in Europe who are not affiliated to existing At-Large Structures (ALS).
b) To support the general objectives of ICANN’s European At-Large Organization (EURALO) specified in its Bylaws and its MoU with ICANN signed in March 2007 in Lisbon – i.e., inter alia, to promote the open development, multi-stakeholder based evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of people throughout Europe and the world.
c) To support EURALO in its regular activities (such as monthly calls, working groups, projects and outreach endeavors).
d) To seek and promote exchange and collaboration with non-European individuals engaging in other RALOs and ICANN.
3. Resources
To fulfill its role in the frame of EURALO, the EURALO Individuals Association relies on resources and capacities of EURALO such as its Secretariat, and does not need its own financial resources or administrative facilities.
4. Organisational Structure and Membership
The EURALO Individuals Association’s organizational structure is simple and functional:
• It is open to all interested individuals sharing its goals and objectives outlined above.
• Individuals who are either European nationals or residents in Europe, where Europe is defined according to the ICANN Regions, are eligible to become Members, while individuals who do not satisfy these conditions are eligible to become Observers.
• Members have voting rights. Observers have the same rights and duties, with the exception of voting rights.
• Members of the Association elect a Board for a biannual term (two years, reelection possible).
• The Board, in consultation with Members, approves applications for new membership.
• All Members have a voting right at the Association’s annual General Assembly (GA), in line with the EURALO Bylaws.
The Association’s annual General Assembly (GA) selects its representative who has a voting right at EURALO’s GA.
5. Termination of membership
Membership in EURALO Individuals Association is terminated through withdrawal, exclusion or death.
6. Termination through withdrawal or exclusion
Withdrawal from the EURALO Individuals Association is always possible. Notification of withdrawal shall be sent in writing to the Board.
Members and Observers can be excluded from the EURALO Individuals Association for specific reasons. Decisions for exclusion are taken via a vote called by the Board. The member concerned may appeal to the General Assembly.
7. Organs of the association
The organs of the association are:
a) General Assembly
b) Board
The Board can create further sub-groups or committees as required.
8. The General Assembly
The primary organ of the association is the General Assembly. It meets annually, in conjunction with EURALO’s GA.
Invitations to General Assembly meetings will be sent at least three weeks in advance by writing (normally electronically), the agenda will be included in the posting. Extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly may be held by order of the Board or if ten percent of the members request such a meeting and indicate the issues to be addressed. In such a case, the extraordinary meeting is to be held within three months of receiving the request.
The General Assembly is responsible for:
a) Electing the Board of the Association
b) Electing the voting representative to the EURALO General Assembly
c) Any changes and amendments to the Bylaws
d) Dealing with motions and inquiries.
For changes to the Bylaws, a majority of two thirds of the cast votes is required.
The decision-making process is open unless the General Assembly calls for a secret ballot.
9. Auditors
As the Association does not have its own funds (see section 3 of these Bylaws), no auditors are required.
10. Authority to sign
Members of the Board have authority to sign, with two signatures being required.
11. Liability
Personal liability of the members is excluded.
12. Termination
Terminating the Association requires an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly that shall be convened for this purpose. Termination requires a majority of three quarters of the cast votes.
13. Seat
The legal seat of the EURALO Individuals Association is in Switzerland, according to association Bylaws.
14. Date of effect
These Bylaws become effective with the written approval of the founding members on November 1, 2017.
15. Legally binding text
The legally binding text for these Bylaws of the EURALO Individuals is in the English language document /version.