My thoughts on NETmundial and the Future of Internet Governance

As the European Commission clearly stated in its Communication on Internet Policy and Governanceof 12 February 2014, conflicting visions on the future of the Internet and on how to strengthen its multistakeholder governance in a sustainable manner have intensified recently. The next two years will be critical in redrawing the global map of Internet governance. Europe must contribute to finding a credible way forward for global internet governance; it must play a strong role in defining how the internet is run and ensuring it remains a single, un-fragmented network.

In less than two weeks, I will be travelling to Sao Paulo to attend NETmundial, the Multi-stakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance. The purpose of NETmundial is to develop principles of Internet governance and a roadmap for the future development of this ecosystem. This international conference comes at a very timely moment in the debates on Internet governance and I commend the Brazilian government, and in particular President Dilma Rousseff, for taking this important initiative.

I was very pleased that the Brazilian Government asked me to join the High-Level Multi-stakeholder Committee of NETmundial, which oversees the overall strategy of the meeting and fosters the involvement of the international community.

The members of the High-Level Multi-stakeholder Committee recently received a “draft outcome document”, prepared on the basis of the more than 180 comments and submissions (including two submissions by the European Commission) to the conference. A public consultation on the outcome document is going to be launched by the conference organisers very shortly.

In the meantime, I shared my observations on this draft document with my colleagues in the High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Committee, the co-chairs of the drafting team and with the secretariat of the conference; in a spirit of transparency, I would like to also share them with the broader Internet community.


From: KROES Neelie (CAB-KROES)
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 7:26 PM
To: ‘
Subject: RE: [HLMC] NETmundial draft outcome document

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About Veronica Cretu

Veronica Cretu, President of the Open Government Institute with MA in Contemporary Diplomacy from Academy of Diplomatic Studies of Malta, is an active member of several important national and international committees related to Open Government & Internet Governance. Since April 2013, Veronica is a member of the civil society Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and is a coordinator of the civil society working group on E-Government/Open Government (part of the Moldova National Participation Council). Veronica is a member of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and member of the Nominating Committee (NomCom) of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbering). She is also a member of the Civil Society Advisory Group on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment to UN in Moldova. Veronica worked in a number of countries around the world such as Liberia, Turkey and Nepal as an international expert in critical thinking methodology and addressed the educational sector of those countries.

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